Title: 'So Close Yet So Far'
Author: sharklady35
Word Count: 133
Rating: G
Characters: Jack Sparrow, the Black Pearl
Disclaimer: 'Pirates of the Caribbean' belongs to Disney.
Prompt: Inspired by the fanart 'Send me a Star- Noirstyle'.
Summary: A few years before CotBP, Jack has a distant glimpse of his lost
fanfic: 'so close yet so far'
Jul 31, 2012 15:37
Title: 'So Close Yet So Far'
Author: sharklady35
Word Count: 133
Rating: G
Characters: Jack Sparrow, the Black Pearl
Disclaimer: 'Pirates of the Caribbean' belongs to Disney.
Prompt: Inspired by the fanart 'Send me a Star- Noirstyle'.
Summary: A few years before CotBP, Jack has a distant glimpse of his lost
fanfic: 'so close yet so far'